Creative Visioncasting Part 2: Spring Check-in

How are your creative goals since January?
Could you use a spring check-in?

By popular demand, let’s do it again!

a special 90-minute workshop and strategy session to envision and implement a year of creative clarity, confidence, and courage

PART TWO: Taking Stock, Working Well, and Navigating the Unexpected

LIVE: Friday, April 19 at 11 am MST

I’ve heard from so many of you since our January session! You’ve shared so many insights, shifts, and creative a-has! 

And, of course, life is an unending series of shifts and adjustments--no matter how beautiful our original vision, or how well we laid out that map in January…it’s time for a check-in. A time to assess where we are, where we want to be, and how to get ourselves there with curiosity, clarity, courage and compassion. No judgement!

As I shared in January, I regularly take myself through this process of revisiting and re-orienting–not towards blatant productivity, but towards my deepest creative visions. Each time I do this process I get ever more clear about my values so I don’t spend my life just staying busy but not moving the needle on what really matters. 

In this 90-minute session we will take stock of your 2024 goals, discover insights, make any adjustments, and keep you reaching towards the life you want. I’ll share my own process these first three months, including some radical reshifting of my days and some gentle reorganization when life gets unexpected.

We will also continue to brainstorm and identify our creative priorities, decide how and why to choose, and revision a realistic and empowering plan to move forward.

Remember: this is NOT a one-size-fits-all-strategy but a living conversation and method of interrogating ourselves and revisiting our creative goals in order to reorient toward what we value most.

So consider this a personal invitation to continue visioning 2024 together. We will work, yes, but the work will be fun–creativity is our job after all! So let’s re-convene for 90 minutes this April and continue 2024 with more creative confidence, clarity, courage, and camaraderie.

See you April 19!

use code 24for2024 to join us for 50% off
(comes with access to our January video recording)

P.S. Are you interested in a Private Coaching Session to get you ready?
I’m opening my books between April 16-18 for a limited amount of 30-minute private sessions for just $99 before we gather together.
Email me to reserve a spot!