Are you working on a flash fiction-inspired book?

Are you working on a flash fiction-inspired book–whether a collection, a novella-in-flash or a flash novel?

Could you use some support?

I get it! I’ve published three flash novels and two linked flash collections, so I know very well how daunting a big project can be.

Which is why I’m offering two opportunities to get my help and make real progress on your work this spring:

FIRST: You are not too lateto join the 12-week Flash Mastermind, a thriving workshop space of motivation, accountability, group coaching, and community. Whether your book is fiction or creative non-fiction, if you are a dedicated writer, drawing on the skills of flash fiction, this is the long-term container of inspiration and support you’ve been wanting.

The Mastermind includes weekly content, Zoom community calls and special events, as well as M-F access to me for all your questions and coaching. Together we are growing, drafting, completing, and submitting projects, finding sustainable rhythms, developing our creative confidence, and building some amazing, supportive friendships. You’ll probably see some familiar faces!


AND SECOND: I’ve just opened additional spaces for Private Creative Coaching sessions via Zoom.  There are individual sessions available as well as a  6-session coaching package, which includes feedback on up to 18,000 words over the next 12 weeks–perfect for a flash-length book.

Or maybe you just need a refresher or inspiration boost? Feel free to book a single coaching session, (which includes up to 3,000 words for feedback), and let’s get you back on track. 

Whether you join us in the Mastermind or prefer private coaching, I’d love to help you make real progress on your project this spring.


P.S. And yes, these two offers can be combined–-shoot me an email and let’s chat!

Other questions?

Email me at or respond to this email.

I can’t wait to work with you! 

P.S. 2024 Retreats are filling up!

Italy Retreat: 2 spots left

Colorado Retreat: 7 spots left




August 21-25: Courting the Muse: Radically Refresh and Re-Inspire Your Writing (5 days) SOLD OUT

August 25-27: Revision Weekend Intensive (3 days) 4 spots left

August 28-September 1: Writing Flash Fiction: Pop Lit and Flash Fusion (5 days) SOLD OUT

September 11-22: Flash Flood: Start Your Flash Novel (10 days)

*All workshops are online and asynchronous but I am “live” during the workshop space



August 21-25



Where do our best ideas come from? Where is our most fertile soil?  How do we cultivate and plant the right seeds? In this workshop we will allow our unique, sometimes challenging, but always necessary stories to burst and bloom from the heart to the page. We’ll use familiar and even radical methods of releasing narrative seeds, digging beyond first, second, and even third impulses until we find ourselves deep inside our own abundant source of inspiration and face to face with our muse(s).

This will be a 5-day online asynchronous workshop. Leave with up to 5 new drafts and plenty of renewed vigor to take you into the fall. Come with an open mind and be prepared to play!


August 25-27



Do you have a story or stories that keep getting rejected? Have you been told you are CLOSE…but not quite? Have you looked at it so long you aren’t sure how to make it better? Do you have a pile of first drafts but you aren’t sure how to take them to the next level? But sometimes you need another pair of eyes and a fresh perspective to see what you haven’t been able to see. In this workshop we will figure out what’s missing? as I guide you and other participants to revise your real works in progress.

This will be a 3-day online workshop format class capped at 8 participants. You will have the opportunity to submit up to 2500 words in a positive, encouraging space.

Pop LitElevating the Mundane to the Miraculous

August 28-September 1



In this workshop we will engage with unexplored or under explored avenues of potential inspiration including pop culture, music, trends, politics, fashion and more to discover unusual angles and back doors into new ideas. We will actively blur the distinctions between low brow and high brow art, and elevate the mundane to the miraculous. We will try a variety of approaches and you will generate up to five original drafts. As always, come with an open mind and expect to play.

This will be a 5-day online asynchronous workshop open to writers with all levels of experience with the flash form.

Flash Flood: Write a Flash Novel (and Launch Your Big Idea)

September 11-22



Is 2023 the year you finally write your book? Do you have an idea brewing, but you don’t know where to begin? Is it a flash novel? Novella? Collection? A regular novel or memoir or a million other things? Sometimes not knowing can stop us from getting started. Sometimes the scope of it feels overwhelming.

Flash Flood: Write a Flash Novel is my signature course designed to help you launch your Big Idea. For 10 days we will envision, draft, collage and create the momentum for that large-scale idea you’ve been wanting to tackle. We’ll begin breaking it apart and making friends with the scope of it, and in that process of discovery you will find momentum, insight, excitement, and sometimes a total pivot–that’s okay! For 10 days we’ll get out of our own way–10 days and a flurry of words and ideas and encouragement and camaraderie–and when it’s over you will have the bones (at least) of a longer project and a much better idea of where to go next.

The Flash Novel Mastermind:

a 12-week masterclass and creative community to get your manuscript across the finish line

September 25-December 15


(monthly payments available)

Whether your book is fiction or creative non-fiction, if you are a dedicated writer, drawing on the skills of flash fiction, this is the long-term container of inspiration, motivation, community and support you have been wanting to bring your ideas to fruition. Flash Flood: Write a Flash Novel is the recommended (though not required) pre-requisite to this mastermind.


Email me with questions at

I can’t wait to work with you!

Last chance to sign up! July 14-16: Flash Fiction Festival: Celebrating the short-short story world-wide

I’m excited to return for my fourth year to the Flash Fiction Festival, one of the highlights of my summer! I’ll be teaching two 90-minute workshops: one on Pop Lit and another on Literary Piracy–more info below! Registration closes on June 24–if you’ve been thinking about it…do it!


Flash Fiction Festival UK, 14th-16th July, 2023. will be the fifth in-person literary festival entirely dedicated to flash fiction sponsored by Ad Hoc Fiction and Bath Flash Fiction Award. We welcome flash fiction enthusiastics, beginner or experienced, to come together to learn more about flashfiction, write new stories, listen to readings, meet old friends, make new ones. It’s a relatively small festival – around 110 flashfiction fans. And is VERY friendly and fun!

Website: Click here
Sign up by June 24! Register here
For a list of workshops/presenters: Click here

Pop Lit: Elevating the Mundane to the Miraculous with Nancy Stohlman

Literary Piracy–Plundering Structure and Stealing the Gold with Nancy Stohlman

March 25: Presenting at Arapahoe Community College Annual Spring Lit Fest: Back in Person!

Back In Person! ACC’s Annual Spring Literary Festival.

The Writers Studio at ACC provides a full-day writing conference for students and community members that is the most affordable, quality-laden literary festival you’ll find, for writers of all levels and ages.

Included with the registration fee:

  • One complimentary copy of the “Progenitor Art and Literary Journal”, v. 57, 2022
  • Continental Breakfast, including coffee and tea
  • Lunch
  • Author reading and book signing during lunch
  • Open Mic opportunity for registrants at the end of the day (approximately 5 minutes per person)

Registration fees:
$25 student rate*
$30 CCCS employee rate
$40 Senior rate
$55 community member rate 
*Students of any college or high school. Please show Student ID at check-in.


8:30-9:15 Sign-in and continental breakfast
9:30-10:45 Session 1 (registrants choose from 2)  
11:00-12:15 Session 2 (registrants choose from 2) 
12:30-1:30 Lunch and author reading (I WILL READ FROM AFTER THE RAPTURE)
2:00-3:15 Session 3 (registrants choose from 2** I WILL BE PRESENTING IN SESSION 3
3:30-4:15 Festival concludes with an Open Mic reading for registrants—time limit of five minutes per reader 
4:30 campus closes

SESSION 3: 2:00-3:15 pm

Write a Flash Novel: All Meat and No Fat
Workshop Description:  
Do you have a Big Story Idea brewing but you don’t know where to begin? Have you been working on a traditional novel/creative nonfiction book, but you find yourself hitting a wall? Maybe you need a total perspective shift, a radical re-visioning of how to write a book?
Meet the “Flash Novel”, a breakout genre that draws on the skills of flash fiction to tell a large-scale story in a compact space. Existing at the intersection of the novel and flash fiction, the flash novel has both the scope and complexity of a novel and the ingenuity of flash fiction, delivering a sophisticated reading experience to a contemporary audience. 
In this workshop, we will envision, draft, collage, and create momentum on your Big Idea. We’ll begin breaking it apart and making friends with the scope of it. For 90 minutes, we’ll get out of our own way, and you will discover the bones of your project as well as the enthusiasm and insight to know where to go next. Open to all writers, whether you have already started writing or the idea still lives in your head and heart. Come ready to play and rethink what you know about writing a book.

Register here!